Anies Does Not Close The Opportunity For Parties To Enter The 2024 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan admitted that he did not rule out the opportunity for him to join as a cadre of political parties (political parties) in order to smooth the way to become a candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada.
"We'll see (the opportunity to join political parties)," said Anies when met at the National Defense Academy of the NasDem Party, South Jakarta, Thursday, August 8.
However, so far Anies is still optimistic about getting a forward ticket in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. However, the party that will carry it like PKS opens up opportunities to change course.
PKS is rumored to be discussing options to join the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus and support Ridwan Kamil as a candidate for governor of the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.
"I believe and until now it is still the same that all will work together to later win the Jakarta Pilkada," said Anies.
Anies claimed that communication between himself and political parties was still ongoing. However, the former governor of DKI Jakarta did not reveal how the development of communication regarding his candidacy so far.
"Everything is still ongoing. Indeed, there are conversations that are not posted, yes. But communication and discussions are still ongoing," he said.
Until now, only PKS has issued a nomination recommendation to Anies as the governor of DKI Jakarta, provided that the Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman is the cawagub. However, PKB and NasDem have not agreed if Anies is paired with Sohibul.
Seeing the obstacles of attracting the position of cawagub so far, PKS also offered Anies to become a cadre of other political parties so that the coalition was formed with Sohibul Iman to continue to be promoted. This became a win-win solution for PKS.
"Mr. Anies does not have a PKS KTA. Yes, the deputy must be from PKS," said Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) Khoirudin to reporters.
Another option, PKS offers Anies to join his party. If Anies becomes a cadre, PKS will release the position of cawagub to other parties.
"The most likely thing is that Mr. Anies wears another party jacket so that there are two coalition parties, there are sufficient requirements to register. Or Mr. Anies just wears a PKS jacket, we take off his deputy," said Khoirudin.