SKK Migas Calls Many Welders In Hulu Migas Foreignly Hijacked

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) revealed a number of challenges faced by the upstream oil and gas industry.

Deputy for SKK Migas Business Support, Rudi Satwiko, revealed that what is currently being faced by the upstream oil and gas business is the large number of welders or welders who have recently been 'hijacked' by other countries.

This then led to delays in a number of projects such as the Baronang Forel Project

"What is difficult now is welder. We have been served with a kind of big project like Forel, it turns out that our werdel is also hijacked," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 7.

Previously, Rudi said that several domestic experts were also 'demonsted' by foreign parties to work on various oil and gas projects.

"So what we are taking abroad is not only engineer but our skilled workers are also hijacked," continued Rudi.

However, Rudi ensured that his party had collaborated in training with Solo Tekno Park.

With this training, he ensured, there will be new welders who can support drilling activities upstream of oil and gas.

"There are already KKKS in collaboration with Solo Tekno Park such as Pertamina and others. This means that there is no problem. Nothing is taken by them. We make new ones. So reducing unemployment," concluded Rudi.