Government Must Fight Polio Vaccine Hoaxes Via Massive Socialization And Education

JAKARTA - The government is asked to strengthen the socialization and education of the Polio vaccine program for children. Because many people are consumed by hoaxes, even though the Polio vaccine has been confirmed to be safe.

The Polio vaccine itself is carried out in several stages where the oral polyo vaccine is given when the baby is born until it is 1 month old. Meanwhile, the injection polyo vaccine needs to be given at least 2 times before the child is 1 year old and the Polyo vaccine will be repeated every month, namely the age of 2, 3, and 4 months.

Starting last July 23, the Government again held the Polio National Immunization Week (PIN) program because there were still reports related to Extraordinary Events (KLB) due to the Polio virus in a number of regions in Indonesia. With the report on the Polio case and the high risk of transmission of the Polio virus, PIN was held simultaneously in Indonesia.

In organizing this PIN Polio, the Ministry of Health cooperates with provincial and district governments, the World Health Organization (WHO), and UNICEF. PIN's target is to give two full doses of Polio vaccine to infants and children who will protect them from the highly contagious disease.

However, there has been a lot of false information regarding the delivery of the Polio vaccine, especially on social media. Like hoaxes in a video claiming to give polyo type-2 vaccines to children can actually trigger an outbreak of Polio disease in Indonesia.

In addition, another hoax appeared which stated that the Polio vaccine could trigger cancer and HIV, so the narrative of the'stop vaccine Polio type 2' circulated. As a result of this disinformation, parents became hesitant and even afraid to bring their children to join the PIN program.

The Ministry of Health itself has held rebuttal and stated that the Polyo vaccine drops used during PIN, namely the novel Oral Polio Vaccine Type 2 (nOPV2) are guaranteed safety for infants and children. The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has also ensured the safety of the nOPV2 vaccine.

Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Kris Dayanti, also asked the Government to strengthen education and socialize to the public about the safety of the Polio vaccine.

The government must break the chain of spreading hoaxes by intensively conducting socialization and education. Use a humanist approach, including the use of posyandu and PKK cadres, as well as the local government to provide information to the public," he said, Wednesday, August 7.

According to Kris Dayanti, massive education is needed considering the hoax about the Polio vaccine is quite worrying. The hoax narrative about it is exacerbated by the circulation of uploads on social media which states that there is a secret BPOM document leaked containing information that the nOPV2 vaccine is endangering public health.

"It is very important that the Government uses various medians to explain massively that the Polio vaccine is very important to give to children to achieve the 95% target of Polio vaccination in Indonesia," said Kris Dayanti.

"Efforts to minimize disinformation about Polio vaccines also need to involve educational institutions and community/religious figures because many people trust them," he continued.

One of the Indonesian Divas also emphasized the need for education to the public that the Polio vaccine must be carried out in full so that children get optimal protection. Kris Dayanti reminded that complete immunization or a combination of polydrop immunization (OPV) and injection polio immunization (IPV) is needed to form optimal immunity against all Polio viruses.

"The public needs to be informed about the importance of completing the Polio vaccination schedule and why every dose of vaccine is needed for maximum protection," explained the woman who is familiarly called KD.

Furthermore, Commission IX of the House of Representatives in charge of health affairs stated that education must be provided in full with various data, including the results of rigorous clinical trials of the Polio vaccine. That way, the public will believe in the safety of the vaccine given.

"Because at this time, hoaxes and misinformation about the Polio vaccine are circulating in the community. This can hinder vaccination efforts and cause baseless concerns. We must emphasize that Polio has become a KLB and must be addressed immediately," said KD.

KD appealed to the public not to be easily consumed by hoax information. He advised people who have children to take advantage of the PIN program because the Polio virus is very dangerous.

"Polio, an infectious disease caused by the Polio virus, can cause permanent paralysis and even death. So it is very important that the Polio vaccine is given to children from an early age," explained KD.

"Let's look at the information circulating to avoid hoaxes, and if you still have doubts about giving the vaccine, you can find information to the nearest health facilities. This vaccine is important for our children," he continued.