Visiting MuseumKu Gerabah in Bantul, Vice President Amazed by the Involvement of 250 Craftsmen

JAKARTA - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin inspected the MuseumKu Gerabah Timbul Raharjo in the Kasongan pottery craft center area, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Wednesday, August 7.

"Vice President Kyai Ma'ruf Amin was very impressed with Bantul, especially Kasongan, which is the most complete pottery center in Indonesia," said Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih after accompanying the Vice President at the Museumku Gerabah Kasongan Bantul, Wednesday, August 7, as quoted by Antara.

According to him, the Vice President's amazement with the Kasongan pottery craft, a creative industry product displayed in the museum owned by the famous pottery craftsman, Timbul Raharjo, is because the Kasongan pottery center involves thousands of people.

"So there are more than 250 craftsmen, and each of these craftsmen has employees ranging from under 10 people to hundreds of people like in Mr. Timbul, so the total number of people working in the pottery craft sector alone is projected to be in the thousands," he said.

Therefore, said the Bantul Regent, the Vice President strongly supports the growth of the economic sector that has emerged and developed from the creativity of the craftsmen community in Bantul.

"The Vice President greatly appreciates this, because this is an industry whose raw material is creativity," he said.

MuseumKu Gerabah located in Kasongan, Bantul Regency is a museum founded by Mr. Timbul Raharjo on October 28, 2022.

The construction of this museum is the result of the owner's thoughts, in order to establish the name of Kasongan as one of the new tourist destinations, namely Gerabah Kasongan, which is also a place for art education.

MuseumKu Gerabah Timbul Raharjo has a collection of pottery works, as well as a collection of works by Timbul Raharjo.