Defend The WTP Opinion, Brigadier General Umar Faroq Audit Of Activities At Polda Sulbar
SULBAR - West Sulawesi Regional Police Deputy Chief Brigadier General Umar Faroq, audits various activities within the West Sulawesi Regional Police. The audit was carried out by the Regional General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasda) to reduce irregularities or abuse of authority within the Police.
"This is to encourage the realization of good governance and free from practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism." said Umar Faroq in his written statement, Tuesday, March 23.
This one-star general was accompanied by Irwasda Kombes Police Benny Ganda Sudjana, and the Head of the West Sulawesi Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative. According to him, this supervision is expected so that all levels can carry out their duties and functions in a professional, transparent and accountable manner.
"I have high hopes that itwasda can make maximum efforts to synergize the entire police unit to be able to maintain the opinion of the National Police's financial report which has received the title of WTP (Unqualified Unqualified) from 2004 to 2019," he explained.
Delivering the Chief of Police's summons, the role and function of the supervisory inspectorate is demanded to play a maximum role in preventing and avoiding misuse of the budget. This was done together with representatives of the BPKP of West Sulawesi Province.
"Therefore, through this activity he asked the Kasatker or Kasatwil of the wasrik object involved in this examination, to provide accurate and correct information as well as data to the examining team.
"If the findings are found, we will immediately follow them up so that these findings will not be repeated for the sake of improving the Police institution." said the Deputy Chief of Police.
Head of Public Relations, Kombes Pol, Syamsu Ridwan, said that the implementation of this audit would explore the extent of the organizational aspects and compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations. "As well as a maximum effort to prevent irregularities in the organization." the lid.