Judge Decides Offline Session Rizieq Shihab, East Jakarta District Court: Maybe All Sessions Face To Face

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta District Court (PN) stated that three cases related to Rizieq Shihab will be held offline or face-to-face. Two of them were about the violation of the health protocol (prokes) in Petamburan and Megamendung, Bogor.

"(Case) 221 (Petamburan crowd) and 226 (Megamendung crowd) whose trial was declared offline, meaning (the defendant) must attend," East Jakarta District Court Public Relations Alex Adam Faisal told reporters, Tuesday, March 23.

Meanwhile, one other case that was also carried out online was a case of violation of the prokes with the defendant five former officials of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). They include, Haris Ubaidillah, Ahmad Shabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus Al Habsyi, and Maman Suryadi.

"And (case) number 222, the accused was in Petamburan," said Alex.

On the other hand, Alex said that two other cases, namely the swab test results of the UMMI Hospital with the defendants Rizieq Shihab and Hanif Alatas would also be held offline or face to face. Because on Friday, March 26, they will submit a similar application.

"Meanwhile, the numbers 224 (Hanif Alatas case) and 225 (Rizieq Shihab) are scheduled this Friday. Maybe they just submitted their application this Friday, the panel of judges has not decided yet," he said.