Komnas: Risk Of Disease Due To Electronic-Conventional Cigarettes Is The Same

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Committee (Komnas) for Tobacco Control Hasbullah Thabrany said the risk of diseases caused by electronic cigarettes is the same as conventional cigarettes.

"Electronic cigarettes, many studies show that they do not reduce risk, and even increase it. Many studies prove that electronic cigarettes do not reduce risk, still make them addicted," he said in Jakarta, Saturday.

He appreciated the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning Health which regulates the ban on the sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.

According to him, nicotine levels in electronic cigarettes are as dangerous as conventional cigarettes.

"People start to try electronic, right, because the nicotine levels are electronic, the nicotine levels are in the liquid, so the risk is the same, and if the airport is also prohibited, it's because it disturbs other people," he said.

He emphasized that cigarette taxes in the regions must really be used to reduce the prevalence of child and adolescent smokers.

"If the regional cigarette tax is worth 24 trillion this year, it is quite large and many local governments have not been effective enough to use the money. In fact, there is a minimum regulation of 50 percent for health from regional cigarette taxes. If only 10 percent can be used to make the public aware of the importance of controlling novice smokers and teenagers by the local government, don't sell money and remind the public it can be effective," he said.

President Joko Widodo has signed Government Regulation Number 28 of 2024 concerning Health on July 26, 2024. In the PP, one of them is regulated regarding the prohibition of the sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.

This provision is stated in Article 434 paragraph (1) point c in the PP, as in the PP copy seen on the jdih.setneg.go.id page.

In Article 434 it is written Paragraph (1) that everyone is prohibited from selling tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, if points (a) are mentioned using a self-service machine, points (b) to everyone under the age of 21 (twenty-one) years and pregnant women, (c) retail units per stick, except for tobacco products in the form of cigars and electronic cigarettes.

Points (d) by placing tobacco products and electronic cigarettes in the area around the entrance and exit or in places that are often traversed, (e) within a radius of 200 (two hundred) meters of education units and children's playgrounds, and (f) using website services or commercial electronic and social media applications.