Latest Info CASN 2024: Formation, Selection, Tips, And Recommendation Of CPNS Bimbel

JAKARTA - There is the latest news about the 2024 CPNS information, the government has issued official information regarding the opening of registration. Reported by the official BKN website or through the 2024 CPNS selection case, registration for the 2024 CPNS selection which opens 2.3 million formations will begin to open in the range from March to July 2024. The following is the full explanation.

In the latest update issued by the government, the first phase of the 2024 CPNS selection which will initially open in the third week of March 2024, must be postponed to April 2024, and then postponed again to July 2024. However, it is currently unclear when the 2024 CPNS test will be held.

With the postponement of the first phase of the selection schedule, the overall selection of CPNS will be postponed. The following is the latest information for the 2024 CPNS selection. Listen carefully, yes!

In the 2024 CPNS selection, 2.3 million formations will be opened with the following details:

Central Agencies Formation

For central agencies, there will be a formation of 429,183 consisting of 207,247 CPNS formations and 221,936 PPPK formations. Formation for central agencies is far less than formations for regions because the need for CPNS in the regions is indeed more than needed at the center.

Regional Agencies Formation

For the allocation of regional agency formations, 1,867,333 will be provided consisting of 483,575 CPNS formations, 419,146 teacher PPPK formation formations, 417,196 health worker PPPK formations, and 547,416 PPPK formations for technical personnel.

In addition to central and regional agencies, the government has also allocated the 2024 CPNS formation for official schools as many as 6,027 formations.

Formation for IKN

The government through the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, said that a special formation would be opened for placement in IKN. A total of 225,000 formations were prepared to be placed in IKN.

Reportedly, the 225,000 formations that will be placed in IKN will be taken from fresh graduates. Well, this is a great opportunity for fresh graduates to become CPNS, here!

Good news also for fresh graduates! At the acceptance of CPNS in 2024, the government provides 690,822 CPNS formations for fresh graduates. For those of you who have just graduated from college and have no work experience, let's prepare to take part in the 2024 CPNS selection!

Administrative Selection

The first stage of the selection process is administrative selection. At this stage, the documents uploaded by applicants will be checked to ensure all requirements are met. Applicants who do not meet the administrative requirements will be declared dead at this stage.

Selection of Basic Competency (SKD)

Applicants who pass the administrative selection will proceed to the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage. The SKD test consists of three main materials:

1. The National Insight Test (TWK) aims to measure the knowledge and ability of applicants in understanding the ideology of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, and the Republic of Indonesia. This test is important to ensure that applicants have good national insight.

2. General Intellectual Tests (TIU), measuring the intellectual abilities of applicants, such as verbal, numerical, and logic capabilities. This test is designed to assess the general intelligence needed in employment as ASN.

3. Personal Characteristic Test (TKP), measuring the personality aspects of applicants relevant to the world of work, such as integrity, commitment, service orientation, and adaptability. This test aims to ensure that applicants have appropriate personal characteristics to become ASN.

Selection of Competency Fields (SKB)

Applicants who pass the SKD will proceed to the Competency Sector Selection (SKB). SKB tests the technical ability of applicants according to the proposed position. SKB materials can vary depending on the needs and characteristics of the position.

Study SKD Test Material

Studying SKD test material in depth is the first step you should take. Make sure you understand the concepts and topics tested in TWK, TIU, and TKP.

Practice SKD Issues

The exercise of SKD CPNS issues is an effective way to measure your abilities and improve weaknesses. Find various sources of training for questions that have varying formats and levels of difficulty.

Increase Stamina And Health

Selection of CPNS requires good stamina and concentration. Take care of your physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating nutritious food, and getting enough rest.

Follow Learning Guidance (Bimbel) CPNS

Following the CPNS bimbel can help you prepare yourself better. Bimbel usually offers materials, problem training, and tips from experienced teachers.

In addition to the registration and formation period, the government also provides other information in the form of ASN selection which will be carried out using computer assisted tests (CAT) nationally by utilizing digital technology. This is allegedly going to be more transparent and accountable.

The competency selection carried out will also be based online, including the use of facial recognition technology to suppress the potential for fraud. The selection value will also be displayed in real time that can be accessed by the public, including the scores of each participant which are also broadcasted through the BKN YouTube channel.

So, what are you who aspires to become a CPNS, have you prepared to take part in the 2024 CPNS selection? To help prepare you, let's study with Skill Academy to prepare for the 2024 CPNS selection.