Police Check CCTV For Disposal Of Babies In Tanjung Selor, Perpetrators Can Be Convicted

TANJUNG SELOR - Bulungan Police, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), moved quickly to investigate cases of finding a baby boy found wrapped in black plastic

living on the terrace of the practice of Midwife Yulianita Jalan Kemayoran Tanjung Selor.

Kapolresta Bulungan through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bulungan Police, Kompol Belnas Pali Padang, said that the poor baby was initially found by a witness with the initials HS who wanted to go to the mosque prayer on Tuesday, July 30.

"At 20.00 WITA the witness was already at home or the practice of midwives Yulianita, at around 22.20 WITA the witness left the house with the intention of closing the fence of the house, when the witness came out he found that there was a baby wrapped in black plastic and lying on the front lines of the house," said Belnas.

"The witness then contacted the police, we examined 2 witnesses," he continued.

In addition to the testimony of witnesses, the police have also checked the CCTV surveillance camera at the scene. His party hopes that the results of the examination from the CCTV camera can reveal the perpetrator who threw the baby boy away.

"Currently we are still analyzing the CCTV footage we took at the scene, not all of them have been opened and we are still calibrating it," said Belnas.

Ditegaskan kepolisian, pelaku yang membuangkan bayi itu dapat di Pidana dengan ancaman pidananya terdapat pada Pasal 308 KUHPatara Pasal 430 UU 1/2023.

"Parents who throw away newborns can also be punished. Hopefully this CCTV can reveal the culprit," said Belnas.

Belnas explained that the baby weighing about 3 kilograms underwent treatment at the dr H Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Tanjung Selor regional hospital.

"This baby care is carried out by the Bulungan social service together with the hospital," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Regional Hospital Development and Public Relations (RSD), dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo, Heryadi Suranta, said the baby was still being treated.

"Yes, now he is being treated in the baby room, his condition is in good condition and stable. But he still needs an incubator to help maintain his condition which is still vulnerable. Because when he was taken to the emergency room (Emergency Installation), the umbilical cord had been cut," he said.

Heryadi said the baby during treatment will continue to be monitored by medical personnel so that its health remains stable.

"Hopefully this case can be revealed by the perpetrators, every child has the right to grow and develop and that is the responsibility of all of us," he concluded.