Not Accept Gus Nur Charged 2 Years In Prison, Lawyer: This Is A Political Court

JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of hate speech, Sugi Nur Raharja aka Gus Nur, was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the public prosecutor (JPU). Gus Nur's attorney, Ricky Fatamazaya, admitted that he was disappointed with the outcome of these charges.

Ricky assessed that the handling of the legal case that dragged Gus Nur was more impressed as a political court than a legal court.

"This demand is very disappointing. Do not be overly impressed that this is not a legal court, this is a political court. Do not be like that", said Ricky at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, March 23.

According to Ricky, these demands were not appropriate. This is because the parties who were witnesses to the victims, namely the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Chomumas and Chairman of the PBNU, Said Aqil Siradj, never came during the trial.

It was recorded that both of them failed to fulfill their summons to testify four times. Because of that, he doubts about the proof of the hate speech case committed by Gus Nur.

"It is very unfortunate who the victim is, for example the victim is Mr. Yaqut and Mr. Aqil Siraj is also there, but at the trial he was never present", he said.

Therefore, Gus Nur's attorney will cast a plea or defense next week. However, he has not confirmed that the plea-speech is done in written form or read out directly.

"We will still conduct the pleido because it is scheduled for next week. On Monday, we will conduct the pleido. How is the concept, we think we will still try to send the file to the court", he explained.

The prosecutor charged the defendant in the case of hate speech, Sugi Nur Raharja was sentenced to two years in prison. Not only that, Gus Nur was also fined IDR 100 million. If Gus Nur does not pay the fine, his imprisonment period will be added for three months in return.

Gus Nur was named a suspect in a case of spreading hate speech shortly after being arrested at his residence in Pakis District, Malang, East Java, on October 24.

Gus Nur was charged with two alternative charges, namely first article 45A paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

Or, Article 45 paragraph (3) jo, article 27 paragraph (3) Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.