Israeli Researchers Use Cannabis To Treat Cancer, Tumors, And Parkinson's

JAKARTA - Canabidiol or the cannabis compound contained in the cannabis plant is known to prevent the spread of cancer cells. This has been reported by researchers from the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco in 2007.

Canabidiol is able to stop cancer by turning off a gene called Id-1. Research on the topic has been published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics as compiled from Business Insider India. Tuesday, March 23.

Cancer cells make multiple copies of this gene and help cancer cells spread throughout the body. The researchers studied breast cancer cells in the lab that had high levels of Id-1 expression and treated them with Canabidiol.

After treatment the cancer cells declined and were unable to spread aggressively. But this is an expert research done in a laboratory, not on cancer patients.

Previously, earlier studies related to tumors in mice had shown that Canabidiol could slow or stop tumor growth in appropriate doses.

A study in 2014 found that the content of compounds in cannabis significantly indicated the growth of this type of brain tumor, which is 80 percent of the malignant brain cancer that affects many people.

Some researchers from the US, Spain and Israel suggest the compounds in marijuana can even kill cancer cells in the human body.

On the other hand, recent research from Israel shows that cannabis can reduce tremors, pain, and improve sleep quality for people with Parkinson's.

Impressively cannabis was also able to improve motor function in patients. Treatment using cannabis in Israel is legal, but only for certain conditions. There are also many studies related to the use of marijuana for treatment that are supported by the Israeli government itself.