The Genealogy Of KH Ma'ruf Amin From The Descendants Of King Siliwaangi To The Prophet

JAKARTA - Who is KH Ma'ruf Amin is still interesting to discuss. Especially with his position which is now the Vice President.

In 2019, when campaigning, KH Ma'ruf Amin mentioned that he was the descendant of a great king in Sunda. Is it a fact or is it for political purposes only?

Through this article, the VOI Team conducted a search of various digital traces regarding the lineage of KH Ma'ruf amin. First, the connection with Prabu Siliwangi and secondly with the Prophet Muhammad.

Is it true that KH Ma'ruf Amin, the descendant of Prabu Siliwangi?
Painting of Prabu Siliwangi (Source- Wikimedia Commons)

In his political campaign, precisely in Garut, West Java on April 4, 2019, in front of his supporters, Ma'ruf Amin said that he was a descendant of King Siliwangi.

"I have Sundanese blood from Sumedang. If the lineage is sorted from Prabu Siliwangi. That means I represent the Sundanese," said Ma'ruf Amin at that time.

Ma'ruf Amin's statement did have another purpose, namely that his sympathizers were more convinced and voted for him in political battles. But about bloodlines, it seems that Ma'ruf Amin is not playing games.

Ma'ruf Amin is called a descendant of King Sumedang

Reporting from the official website of the RRI, the elders of the Rukun Wargi Sumedang (RWS) and the Pangeran Sumedang Foundation (YPS) said that Ma'ruf Amin was a descendant of King Sumedang from Prabu Geusan Ulun.

This statement was revealed by Komjen Pol Mochamad Iriawan, who is the elder of the King Sumedang foundation, RWS and YPS.

Ma'ruf Amin is known to be the 14th descendant of Prabu Geusan Ulun. The coronation was only carried out in 2019 by the RWS extended family.

Who is Prabu Geusan Ulun?

Prabu Geusan Ulun or known as Pangeran Angkawijaya was the successor of the Sumedang Larang Kingdom which was known as one of the Islamic kingdoms in West Java.

Prabu Geusan Ulun is the eldest son of Prince Kusumahdinata I or Pangeran Santri.

At the beginning of his reign, Prabu Geusan Ulun was the king of the Sumedang Larang Kingdom. In addition, he also received the title of Nalendra from the Pakuan Pajajaran Kingdom.

Prabu Geusan Ulun has a role like the current Regent, even though at that time there was no such term. He ruled from 1578 to 1610.

The line of Ma'ruf Amin's descendants from Prabu Siliwangi

The lineage of Prabu Siliwangi, obtained from Ma'rif Amin from Prabu Geusan Ulun. Sunan Corenda is the grandfather of Prabu Geusan Ulun, who is the grandson of Prabu Siliwangi. Sunan Corenda's father is Sunan Parung.

Nyi Mas Ratu Putuakan, who is a descendant of the founder of the Sumedang kingdom, then married Sunan Corenda.

The result of this marriage gave birth to a successor named Nyi Mas Ratu Inten, who when she became queen had the title Ratu Pucuk Umun.

Ratu Pucuk Umun is the mother of Prabu Geusan Ulun, while his father is named Pangeran Santri or Pengeran Soleh who is a descendant of Prince Muhammad (grandson of Sheikh Maulana Abdurahman and great-grandson of Sheikh Datuk Kahfi).

The lineage of Ma'ruf Amin from the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Ma'ruf Amin obtained descendants from Nabu Muhammad which he obtained from Maulana Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati.

Please note, Sunan Gunung Jati is a descendant of King Siliwangi who came from his mother Syarifah Mudaim or Rara Santang. The mother of Rara Santang was Nyimas Subang Larang who was the wife of Prabu Siliwangi.

The Yogyakarta Nahdlatul Ulama Da'wah Institute, through uploading it on Facebook, revealed the lineage of Ma'ruf Amin, which was traced from Sunan Gunung Jati to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Sunan Gunung Jati (Source- Wikimedia)
The line of descent of Sunan Gunung Jati from Mrs. Ma'ruf Amin

KH Ma'ruf Amin bin Nyi Hajjah Maemunah bin Syekh Muhammad Ramli Cideng Kresek bin Nyi Marsati bin Haji Abdullah bin Syekh Abdullah (Brother of Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani) bin Sheikh Umar bin Syekh Arobi bin Syekh Ali bin Syekh Jamad bin Syekh Janta bin Syekh Masbuqil bin Sheikh Maskun bin Sheikh Masnun bin Sheikh Maswi bin Sheikh Tajul 'Arsyi al-Bantani (Prince Sunyararas) bin Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin bin Maulana Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati.

The line of descent of Sunan Gunung Jati from Ma'ruf Amin's father

KH Ma'ruf Amin bin Syekh Mohammad Amin Koper bin Ki Abdullah bin Nyi Kati / Ki Abdurrahman bin Nyi Ratu Kanisah bin Syekh Alim bin Syekh Abdullah bin Syekh Ibrohim bin Sheikh Hasan Bashri Cakung bin Raden Rahmat bin Pangeran Arya Banten bin Sultan Abdul Mufakhkhir bin Sultan Maulana Muhammad Nashruddin bin Sultan Maulana Yusuf bin Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin bin Maulana Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati.

The line of descent of Sunan Gunung Jati to Prophet Muhammad SAW

Syarif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati) bin Syekh Abdillah 'Umdatuddin bin' Ali Nurul Alam bin Jalaluddin Akbar al-Husaini bin Ahmad Jalaluddin bin Abdullah Azmatkhan bin Abdul Malik India bin Alwi Amir Faqih Egypt bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Ali Al-Gazam bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad al-Muhajir bin Isa al-Bakir bin Idris Muhammad al-Naqib bin Qasim al-Kamil al-'Uraidli bin Ja'far Sadiq Persian bin Muhammad al-Baqir bin Ali Zainal Abidin bin Imam Husein bin Sayyidah Fatiimah bin Prophet Muhammad Saw.

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