Hope the PKB and PBNU Conflict Doesn't Continue, Ma'ruf Amin: The Task is Different, Just Focus on Respective Path

JAKARTA - Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma'ruf Amin, hopes that the conflict between PKB and PBNU will not continue. Kiai Ma'ruf reminded PKB that they have different tasks so it is better to focus on their respective paths.

"Yes, focus on each of their tasks, so that there is no conflict. PBNU remains on the issue of community development, PKB on politics," said Ma'ruf Amin to reporters, Thursday, August 1.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the First Syuro Council of PKB explained that there is no structural relationship between PKB and PBNU, even though the two have historical relationships.

"I used to be the Chairman of Team Five for the formation of PKB. I was the Chairman of the first Syuro Council of PKB before Gus Dur was also me. So actually the relationship between PBNU and PKB is an aspirational relationship, a cultural relationship, and a historical relationship, there is no structural relationship," explained Ma'ruf.

"So only PKB brings aspirations for NU in politics. So they do not intervene in each other, so they have independence," he continued.

The 10th Rais Aam Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) assessed that there should be no conflict between PKB and PBNU. In fact, according to Ma'ruf, both should work together well and with each other's respective tasks.

"It seems that there is no need to connect tasks. So if a conflict occurs, it is indeed a bit strange. Because their tasks are different," said Ma'ruf.

Therefore, the 7th Chairman of the MUI hopes that the conflict between PKB and PBNU will stop here. Because he reminded us that both have their own paths.

"Don't go here, the conflict is if one enters here or the other enters here, don't enter each other, that's my hope. Hopefully it will go well," he concluded.

It is known that the relationship between PKB and PBNU heated up again after the General Chairperson of PKB who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) knocked the gavel to approve the formation of the 2024 Hajj Inquiry Committee in the DPR Plenary Meeting some time ago. This special committee is to investigate the implementation of the 2024 hajj which is suspected of having indications of corruption through the hajj quota.

However, the General Chairperson of PBNU Yahya Cholil Staqub (Gus Yahya) feels that the formation of the Hajj Special Committee is political. Namely, to attack NU personally, especially the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. Where Yaqut is his younger brother.

The hot ball of conflict is getting rolling when PBNU plans to form a Team of Five or a kind of Special Committee to return PKB to the bosom of NU. The reason is, PKB under the leadership of Cak Imin has deviated from history.