Sympathizers Rizieq Shihab Bringing Posters To East Jakarta District Court: Don't Be Arrogant With People Who Love Food

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab sympathizers held a demonstration of support by displaying posters containing narratives demanding justice.

According to VOI, dozens of women gathered right under the pedestrian bridge (JPO). They demand justice by displaying posters containing certain narratives.

"Don't be Arrogant with the People Who Give Me Meals," was written on one of the posters.

Several other posters contain narratives asking Rizieq Shihab to be released. In fact, there is one poster that contains sentences accusing certain parties of being a sycophant.

"Don't Be Proud to Be a Cukong Licker," read the poster.

"Free the IB-HRS, Habib Rizieq Shihab," the narrative said.

Meanwhile, the police on guard around the East Jakarta District Court continued to give appeals. Through loudspeakers, Rizieq Shihab's supporters were asked to disperse.

"Our mothers urge to disperse. Remember husbands at home, remember children at home, remember grandchildren," said a police officer.

For information, Rizieq Shihab will undergo a further trial. There were at least three cases, namely, suspected crowd and violations of health protocols (prokes) in Petamburan and Megamendung, as well as cases related to the results of the swab at UMMI Hospital in Bogor.

For hearings in cases of alleged crowd and process violations with an exception reading agenda.