Residents Of State Printing Geger See Babies In The Flow Of Cempaka Putih River

JAKARTA - Residents and UPK officers of the Water Agency of Cempaka Putih Subdistrict were shocked by the discovery of a baby in the Buffalo River, Jalan Percekan Negara, Cempaka Putih Barat Village, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 1, noon. "We are still checking. We are still on the road to check," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police, Ipda Suja when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, August 1. The discovery began when UPK officers of the Water Agency were cleaning up the garbage in the flow, then seeing a baby. The incident was later reported to the Cempaka Putih Police. However, the baby's condition was not yet known. The incident attracted attention from a number of motorists passing through the scene. Meanwhile, the Cempaka Putih Police Criminal Investigation Unit received a direct incident report to the scene (TKP). Later, the police will conduct an investigation regarding the report.