Rizieq Still Wants Face-to-Face Trial, Judge Suparman Nyompa: Good Audio, Quick Response

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab still asks to appear at the East Jakarta District Court to submit an exception or objection note regarding the alleged crowd case in Petamburan. Rizieq refused to take the trial online.

"Thank you, my panel of judges, as my original principle, I asked the panel of judges to read this exception reading in an offline trial, the trial I presented at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court," Rizieq said in court, Tuesday, March 23.

Hearing this, the prosecutor asked the judge to continue the trial online. This is because the decision of this trial was online from the start.

"We ask that the panel of judges continue this trial online, thank you," said the prosecutor.

Chief Judge Suparman Nyompa reminded again that the trial will still be conducted online. Because, currently it is still in a COVID-19 pandemic situation. So that a face-to-face trial will create a crowd.

"What the panel of judges is thinking about is not online, or offline, unless there is an audio visual disturbance, it absolutely cannot be run online," said the judge.

According to Suparman, online trials also have a legal basis. So that a trial like this will have no problem.

"This is solely due to the Covid pandemic, and this online trial is fast audio, direct response," said Suparman.

Meanwhile, Rizieq Shihab's attorney, Munarman, who was invited by the panel of judges to give an opinion, said that the online trial had violated Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) number 4 of 2020.

So, the panel of judges asked to postpone and set the trial offline or face-to-face.

"We hope that the panel of judges will make a new decision so that the next trial can be postponed with a new decision with a normal trial title," he said.

In this case, Rizieq Shihab was charged with incitement to the appearance of a crowd at his daughter's wedding in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. This crowd is taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"Doing, who orders to do and who participates in doing actions in public orally or in writing incites to commit a criminal act of health quarantine as referred to in Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Canteen, committing violence against public authorities or disobeying both the provisions of the Law and a position order given is based on the provisions of the law, ”said the prosecutor reading the indictment.

According to prosecutors, Rizieq Shihab and Haris Ubaidillah, Ahmad Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus alias Idrus Al Habsyi and Maman Suryadi, incited incitement to the emergence of a crowd in Petamburan.