We Can Win The ESG Award At The Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS) 2024 Through The Askara Nusantara Program

JAKARTA - Kitabisa's commitment to running Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) programs has received appreciation at the Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS) 2024, by winning the Silver Winner award for the Sub-category of the Environment.

This award is given for the consistency and sharpness of Kitabisa's communication strategy in campaigning for environmental-based programs and community empowerment through the Askara Nusantara program that carries the mission of Ramah Bumi, Human Friendly.

Askara Nusantara is a sustainable program from Kitabisa that aims to encourage community involvement in waste management, use of renewable energy, conservation of nature and restoration of environmental functions.

One of the programs is Action Jaga Bumi. This is a competition between community-based waste management driving teams.

This program aims to provide ongoing waste management efforts, significant community involvement can reduce unmanaged waste accumulation.

This program has been running in various cities such as Bandung, Pekanbaru, and Yogyakarta.

Edo Irfandi, Chairman of the Foundation Management Kitabisa stated that the implementation of the Askara Nusantara program is also in line with Kitabisa's commitment to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs).

"For 10 years we were able to attend and have won the trust of 10 million donors, now we continue to develop by creating and implementing sustainable and impactful programs. This award is a form of appreciation for Askara Nusantara as one of the pillars of Kitabisa's sustainable program," said Edo Irfandi, Chairman of the Kitabisa Foundation Management.

The Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS) 2024 is visited by Ministries / Institutions / Regions, Universities, SOEs, BUMN, BUMD, Private and Multinational Corporations, NGOs to non-profit organizations throughout Indonesia. We can be the only non-profit organization to receive this award.

Askara Nusantara mengajak masyarakat, organisasi, perusahaan dan lembaga untuk turut terlibat bersama dalam misi lingkungan berkelanjutan. Informasi lengkap mengenai Askara Nusantara dapat dilihat melaluihttps://askaranusantara.org/.