MLB PBNU Called Can Be Realized If Gus Yahya Doesn't Fix Relations With PKB

NU activist M Solikhin assessed that the PBNU Extraordinary Deliberation (MLB) to replace Ketum Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) could be realized if the relationship with the General Chairperson of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) was not immediately improved.

The relationship between PBNU and PKB is heating up again after the discourse of forming a five-team or some kind of special committee (Pansus) on PKB. This discourse arose because PBNU suspected that there was a personal motive behind the formation of the 2024 Hajj Special Committee by the DPR. The reason is that the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (Gus Yaqut) is the younger brother of the General Chairperson of PBNU, Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya). Gus Yahya is suspicious that the formation of the Hajj Special Committee who was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the DPR as well as Chairman of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) at the plenary meeting was to attack the Minister of Religion personally. Gus Yahya's statement was considered a blunder, because there were 9 factions in the DPR who agreed to the Hajj Special Committee, not only the PKB faction. The PBNU discourse related to the PKB Special Committee to return the PKB to the NU lap actually raises the issue of an extraordinary deliberation (MLB) to remove Gus Yahya. So, may the PBNU MLB be carried out? Solikhin assessed that the PBNU MLB could have materialized if Gus Yahya did not tabayyun and fix his relationship with PKB. Moreover, according to him, referring to Article 73 of the AD/ART NU Article, MLB can be held in certain and crucial conditions such as if Rais Aam or the General Chair of PBNU commits a serious violation of the provisions of the AD/ART. MLB, can be held on the proposal of at least 50 percent plus one of the total regions and branches. "In the context of whether it can be realized or not, I think it is very possible. Because in the AD/ART there is also a nomenclature, of course there are conditions specified," said Solikhin. through the Padasuka TV channel which was uploaded on Tuesday, July 30. Solikhin admitted that the PBNU situation under the leadership of Gus Yahya could not be separated from the turbulence that irritated the conscience of NU residents. Moreover, some time ago there was the dismissal of KH Abdussalam Shohib or Gus Salam from the position of Deputy Chair of PWNU East Java, which was followed by the dismissal of the Chairman of PWNU, Marzuki Mustamar as the heart of NU from Jombang. "This is very non-reasonable. healthy, why (Gus Yahya) could not build harmonization of communication, deliberation, a persuasive approach that Mr. Secretary General (Gus Ipul) noted that there were people there (Jombang). This will be an unhealthy color in internal consolidation," explained Solikhin. Solikhin assessed that the emergence of the discourse on MLB PBNU could not be separated from the dynamics that occurred in East Java. So that there was an initiative to carry out MLB being sparked from Gus Yahya and Gus Ipul's statements. "And yesterday, Kiai Imam Jazuli at Harlah PKB was present, he criticized "Actually, it is rational because it conveys the political situation related to the disharmony between PKB and NU. We know that although PKB and NU have different rooms, I believe the building is in the same house. His history, philosophy, identity and mission goals are almost the same, cannot be separated from the NU PKB, namely building the benefit of the nation, realizing social justice for all Indonesian people," explained Solikhin.

"Well, this cannot be separated. For me, criticism of input from all NU residents including Kiai Imam Jazuli should be an internal evaluation (PBNU) of how this happened. Including why there is a dynamic problem in Jombang, how come it can't be resolved, it shouldn't be direct for congestion. It should be, (PBNU) tabayyun facilitated both parties to be heard not to decide immediately," he continued. "If political turbulence is always echoed by the PBNU elite, in this case the ketum and the secretary general, it is very likely that a very interesting lighter will occur to be evaluated (via MLB PBNU," concluded Solikhin.