Geological Agency Asks Residents To Be Alert Because Explorive Eruption Could Happen At Any Time On Mount Awu, North Sulawesi

MANADO - The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) recorded 169 shallow volcanic earthquakes of Mount Awu in Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi for the period 16-22 July 2024."During that period the earthquake of Mount Awu was dominated by shallow volcanic earthquakes, deep volcanic earthquakes, and distant tectonic earthquakes," said Head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of P Hadi Wijaya in a report on the activity of Mount Awu received in Manado, Antara, Monday, July 29.In addition to recording shallow volcanic earthquakes, two low-frequency earthquakes, 17 deep volcanic earthquakes, four local tectonic earthquakes, and 172 distant tectonic earthquakes were recorded.The report also states that from the results of visual observations, seismicity and deformation, it shows that the magma intrusion process at the depths towards the surface and accumulated pressure is still recorded instrumentally.This is indicated by still being recorded by deep volcanic earthquakes and shallow volcanic earthquakes in fluctuating quantities, deformation patterns that are still in inflation at the Tiltmeter Kolongan Station and peaks.In addition, low-frequency earthquakes in May, June, and July 2024 also showed an increase in pressure on shallow depths and the movement of magma.The emergence of the rapid rise of deep volcanic seismicity and shallow volcanicity in a short time indicates that at any time there can be sudden release of pressure that can cause explosive eruptions.In addition, said Hadi, the emergence of large-intensity local tectonic earthquakes could also trigger an increase in Mount Awu's volcanic activity."We need to be aware of the occurrence of large and continuous energy earthquakes that have the potential to break the lava dome and cause explosive eruptions," he said.He said the increase in shallow earthquakes of Mount Awu had been going on for a long time, which meant that the process of accumulation of pressure at shallow depths had been going on for quite a long time.This can trigger explosive eruptions that in the history of the eruption along with the presence of hot clouds.
"Based on the results of visual and instrumental monitoring of Mount Awu and the potential threat of danger, the level of activity of Mount Awu until July 22, 2024 is still set at level III (standby) with recommendations that are adjusted to the latest potential hazards," he said.