National Police Chief Replaces Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Lutfi Assignment At The Ministry Of Trade

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo transferred a number of his staff. One of them is the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Lutfi.

In Telegram Letter (ST) Number ST/1554/VII/KEP/2024 dated July 26, Inspector General Ahmad Lutfi was transferred from his position as Central Java Police Chief.

Inspector General Ahmad Lutfi has been transferred as Pati Itwasum Polri and will be assigned to the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

Then, the National Police Chief appointed Brigadier General Ribut Hari Wibowo to fill the position of Central Java Police Chief.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, who was confirmed regarding the mutation of the National Police ranks, confirmed it. It is said that rotation and mutation are efforts to improve services to the community.

"Mutations within the scope of the Police are in the context of Promotion, Retirement, Tour of the area, and Kapolda. Of course, the mutation of Polri personnel is in order to provide improvements to provide services and protection to the community," said Trunoyudo, Saturday, July 27.

Meanwhile, in the ST, there were 157 high-ranking officials (Pati) and middle-ranking police officers (Pamen) who were transferred.

The telegram letter was signed directly by the Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (ASDM) Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo.