KPUPR Calls Project Funded By Foreign Debt Using Foreign Workers
JAKARTA - Director General of Construction Development of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Abdul Muis said that the loan system from abroad sometimes requires foreign workers to participate in construction work in Indonesia.
"For us all this time at (PUPR), the foreign aid jobs are also because the agreement has been made to be loaned (loans) and must use experts from abroad," Abdul Muis told reporters, quoted Wednesday, July 24.
Abdul Muis did not deny that although many construction workers from within the country have sufficient competence to work on various infrastructure projects that adopt new technologies.
However, he said, in the foreign loan agreement system, a number of infrastructure projects were indeed required to involve foreign experts.
"It doesn't mean that using outside personnel we can't afford it, we can afford it. However, following from the loan agreement to involve and use outside personnel as well as to transfer science," he said.
He gave an example, for example, the plan to build an underwater toll project in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), where the construction study was worked on by a Korean company, Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd with PT Hutama Karya (Persero).
According to him, the construction must involve workers from abroad, because the study process is carried out by foreigners.
"Our experts have actually been able to do that (high-tech projects), Indonesians are able to be there. However, the opportunity has not been open and there is not yet. The government has been able to implement its capabilities in their own country for the past 10 years," he said.
Furthermore, said Abdul Muis, this condition is different from projects built from 100 percent of APBN funds which can eventually use domestic construction workers.
This is because the funding is expected to have an impact on the advanced economy from within an infrastructure project.
"But if all the work of the state budget is from us (domestic), nothing comes from outside," he added