Police Arrest Viral Ustaz Gondrong For Doubling Money In Bekasi

JAKARTA - The police arrested the Ustaz with the initials H alias Ustaz long-gone who went viral because of the video of doubling money in Babelan, Bekasi.

"He has been arrested, today is detention", said Head of Babelan Police, Compol Ghulam N Pasaribu, confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 22.

This video of Ustaz Gondrong from Bekasi went viral on Saturday, March 20. In the video, several people are surrounded by the long cleric.

While holding the girl on her lap, the long Ustaz took out a wooden box and a plastic bag. There is also a Jenglot (amulet) shown in front of the crowd.

In the video, the old Ustaz puts the jenglot in a wooden box that looks empty. After that, he also 'played' black plastic.

Simsalabim. The wooden box was opened and the IDR 100 thousand denomination appeared. This money was spread by the long-tailed Ustaz on the floor. Many do not believe this doubling money action from Babelan Bekasi. Some even mentioned the condition of the Ustaz house, which looks ordinary even though he claimed to be able to double his money.

Because of this video, Ustad H aka Ustadz longish was arrested. The police are also examining several people at the same time awaiting reports from victims who feel they have been harmed by the doubling money 'magic' action in Bekasi

"In my opinion (the perpetrator) does not have the expertise, right? The rich cannot be proven", said Kompol Ghulam.

"The statement he (Ustadz Gondrong) only had a few times, but it can't be trusted", said Ghulam.