After Kendal, Land Agency Wants To Build Cheap Houses In IKN Supporting Areas

KENDAL - Deputy for Utilization and Business Cooperation of Bank Tanah Hakiri Sudrajat revealed that currently the Land Agency is mapping an area of 200 hectares which will be built cheap housing for low-income people (MBR).

"There are 200 ha that we have profiled. But currently there are only 2 or 3 locations. We are trying further discussions," said Hakiki when met by the media in Kendal, Tuesday, July 23.

Hakiki said the 200 ha land was spread over 3 locations, one of which was located in the buffer zone of the State Capital (IKN).

"From us, one of them is a location near IKN. Hopefully it will coincide with other government programs," continued Hakiki.

One of the locations that has been profiling by Bank Tanah is BMR in Brebes Regency.

In this case, Bank Tanah cooperates with the Ministry of PUPR, Perumnas, PT SMF, Bank BTN and BP Tapera. Currently, the construction of the house has been carried out regularly and marketed to the public.

Most recently, Bank Tanah collaborated with the Ministry of PUPR, Bank BTN, PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero), BP Tapera, Kendal Regency Government and PT Asatu Realty Asri regarding housing planning, development and financing for MBR, in Mergosari Village.

For information, the Land Bank Agency until the end of 2023 has 18,758 Ha land inventory assets.

Of these total assets, HPL of the Land Bank Agency has been provided for the Construction of VVIP IKN Airport, IKN toll road section 5B, agrarian reform to MBR housing.