Indonesia's One Data Policy Is Claimed To Increase The Effectiveness Of Development And Handling Of Pandemics
JAKARTA - The Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said that the implementation of One Indonesian Data that has been established by President Joko Widodo through Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 is a legal foundation in creating accurate, up-to-date, integrated and accountable data.
"Through strengthening data management, we can improve integration in planning, implementation and evaluation of development," he said in the webinar on the Socialization of One Data Indonesia Work 2021, Monday, March 22.
According to Suharso, Satu Data Indonesia is the answer regarding proper data management, including supporting various urgent government programs such as handling the pandemic, providing social assistance, and digital transformation.
"Satu Data Indonesia also plays a strategic role in efforts to develop the digital sector and optimize productive efforts for the advancement of the nation," he said.
He further explained that the digital transformation that is being predicted by the government is a breath of fresh air as well as a way out in the face of a pandemic. This is because data will help an efficient way of working, and can support in the midst of limited interaction between communities.
Then, the One Data Indonesia Policy is also said to have an important role in regulating the governance of quality digital services and information services so as to facilitate the formulation of quality policies based on data and facts.
"Therefore, accelerating the implementation of one data is the key to the success of digital transformation and to support the government in resolving strategic issues," he said.
Furthermore, Suharso revealed that as one of the important components in digital transformation, data plays a vital role as the basis for planning, evaluating and controlling development, so that development coordination can run smoothly.
"The role of One Data Indonesia coordination is very important to stay focused on important developments in the 2021 period, including through reform of the national health system, reform of the social protection system, to efforts to establish food security," he explained.
For this reason, he urged that the Acceleration of One Data in Indonesia needs to be carried out through synergy with all policy makers, both at the central and regional levels.
"The implementation of the One Data Indonesia 20201 socialization aims to provide an integrated understanding of work references in each agency. The hope is that this socialization will become a positive spirit in 2021 to strengthen synergy in the success of development and get out of the bad effects of the pandemic, "he said.