Head Of South Hulu Sungai Ministry Of Religion Calls Accusations Against Himself Arrogant, Likes To Fight Against Dzalim And Hoaxes

HULU SUNGAI - Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (Kemenag HSS), South Kalimantan Province Rusmadi stated that he was ready to islah with the employees who had rallied to ask him to leave the agency.Rusmadi also denied accusations by employees who considered him arrogant and complicated employment affairs."What is alleged is not true, all of them are hoaxes, let alone accusations that I like to pit each other, I have never done it, the accusations are dzalim and are just slander," said Rusmadi when confirmed in Kandangan, HSS Regency, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 23.Rusmadi suspects that the demonstration by the HSS Ministry of Religion employees was carried out by individuals who had ambitions to become school principals at one of the schools, but were not achieved.Rusmadi said that while he was leading, he tried to apply discipline, but still paid attention to the aspirations of employees, such as employee apples only once a month."I have never made it difficult for employees, such as delaying the salaries of employees, certification and other matters related to my authority," he said.He revealed that the employees locked up the office fence and official residence on Monday (22/7) at around 06:30 WITA.So Rusmadi could not enter the office and the request to open the fence was ignored by security guards, but he continued to be active in accompanying the activities of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) HSS during the visit of the HSS Police Chief at the MUI Office."I have only served in HSS for one year, and yesterday's peaceful demonstration was only carried out partially, not by all Ministry of Religion employees," he said.He emphasized that he is ready to solve the problem of mutual introspection, and speak amicably, and respect each other."If there is a misunderstanding, we can fix it and of course remind each other," he said.Previously, hundreds of Kemenang employees of HSS Regency held a peaceful demonstration, rejecting the leadership of the Head of the HSS Ministry of Religion Rusmadi and demanding a change of leadership.Head of Subdivision TU of the Ministry of Religion HSS Fathurrahman said that previously the actions of the employees had sent official letters to the South Kalimantan Ministry of Religion Office including KUA, madrasas, community leaders, to MUI."We, from all Ministry of Religion employees in HSS Regency, state that we cannot accept the arbitrary attitude of leadership," said Fathurrahman.Fathurrahman assessed that Rusmadi's policies were not in accordance with administrative regulations, and even said inappropriate words.
"We hope that in the future we can get wise leaders, can accept aspirations and guide subordinates, guide people and the community," said Fathurrahman.