The Minister Of Communication And Information Asked The SAR Team To Save 12 Crews Of The Missing BTS Material Transport Ship

Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi instructed the Kominfo Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) and the joint SAR team to search for the Cita XX LCT ship as much as possible.

According to Budi, rescue of the 12 crew is the main goal. Because human life is more important than anything else. I ordered BAKTI Kominfo to make the most possible search efforts," he said.

The identities of the 12 crew members of KM LCT Cita XX lost contact, namely Junaidi (Juru Mudi), Dedi (Mualim), M. Arif Efendi (KKM), Naikal (Oiler), Rusli (Juru Mudi), Agygena (Koki), Suherman (Penggawas Material Tower), Nimret G. Tua, Lukman Hakim, Samsudin, Asmoro, and Alhakim.

In addition to transporting 12 people, the LCT Cita XX ship also carries BTS materials, towers, power, and VSAT for the provision of 4G BAKTI Kominfo signals in Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains Province.

The LCT GT 145 type ship is known to have last communicated with the Prima Jaya ship which passed simultaneously on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

From the information provided by the crew of the Prima Jaya Ship, the LCT Cita XX ship did not move and the position took on the outskirts of the waters.

President Director of BAKTI Kominfo Fadhilah Mathar has also said that BAKTI Kominfo together with the joint SAR team are looking for the missing crew and LCT Cita XX ship in Papua.

As of Monday, July 22, 2024 evening, the joint SAR team conducted a search for the waters of the Tiga Island District. The team consists of elements of the Indonesian Navy, Polairud, and the regional SAR team.

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the joint SAR team resumed their search. Air search by helicopter was also carried out to immediately find the crew and ship.