Sitcom Episode Bajaj Bajuri Predicts Corona Virus In 2021, Let's Check The Truth

JAKARTA - The Twitter account BacangSpecial (@BacangSpecial) uploaded a video clip of the Bajaj Bajuri sitcom episode accompanied by a narrative stating that the video that aired in 2002 tells of an infectious disease currently being faced, namely the COVID-19 virus. The video has been viewed 2.58 times.

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Based on the search results of, the video snippet was sourced from the video sitcom Bajaj Bajuri episode, Say I Don't Want to Fast, which aired in 2002.The full version video uploaded by Bang Rose's YouTube account on April 28, 2020 tells of Emak and Ucup who have symptoms chills and coughs similar to those of the SARS virus patient from China. The video clip with a duration of 0:59 was uploaded by Wahyu KaYe's YouTube account on May 11, 2020.

"It's a contagious disease from Mpok China. Symptoms of chills and coughs. Mpok Danger. The disease can be contagious, those who have already been hit can die, ”said Said in that episode.

Similar information regarding the Bajaj Bajuri episode predicting the Corona virus was previously discussed in the Turn Back Hoax article entitled "[FALSE] Bajaj Bajuri Sitcom Predicts Corona 17 Years Ago" which was published on May 13.

From the various facts that have been presented, the upload of the BacangSpecial Twitter account (@BacangSpecial) can be categorized as Wrong Content.