Protect Digital ID: Important Strategy For Kaspersky's Phone Number Security

Phone numbers are now important identifiers, similar to personal IDs and it is important to enter various online services ranging from social networks to banking applications.

According to global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, this phone number is integrated into the user's digital identity, so losing the ability to manage it can open the door for unauthorized access to personal information.

Because protecting these important numbers is key to maintaining the digital well-being of users, Kaspersky experts recommend the following strategy to maintain the security of user phone numbers.

Security after losing your phone and SIM card

When the phone is lost or stolen with a SIM card still in it, it presents a dangerous scenario. In this case, the first step that must be taken is to contact the service provider to block the SIM card. After that, get a new SIM with the same phone number.

For e-SIM users, the process begins by contacting the provider to disable the lost driver's license on the device and set the connection settings on the new device. This proactive action helps minimize the impact of loss and effectively protect personal information.

Manage phone number changes safely

When there is a need to switch to a new number, it is very important to manage the change transition wisely. Mobile operators often recycle numbers and give them to others after a certain period of time, and that has the potential to jeopardize personal information.

Starting by securing a new path while still activating the old path will be the safest option. Using password managers can also help greatly identify which services use the number as login credentials.

Deleting fraud

Port-out scams start when scammers collect enough personal information to disguise themselves as someone. They often get this data via phishing, or vishing, by pretending to come from a mobile phone company and tricking the person into leaking sensitive information.

To prevent this fraud, it is recommended to be careful with emails and calls asking for personal details or urging quick action. If you suspect a SIM exchange, immediately contact the operator to secure the account and monitor financial reports for unauthorized transactions.

Adding PIN or unique passwords for account changes with cellular providers also increases protection.