The Democrat Party Of The KLB Deli Serdang Camp Will Immediately Complete The Files To The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights

JAKARTA - The Democrat Party of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) of Deli Serdang promised to immediately complete the shortage of files as soon as possible. This was conveyed in response to the statement of Menkumham Yasonna Laoly who said the application for ratification of the management of this camp was still incomplete.

"The party led by Pak Moeldoko will immediately complete the document in question, and we will convey it to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as soon as possible," said Moeldoko's Democratic Party spokesman, Muhammad Rahmad via video statement, Sunday, March 21.

He hopes, after the application documents for management ratification are completed, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights can issue a decree determining the management of the KLB results. "So that we can obtain legal certainty related to the Democratic Party so that it does not occur or avoid horizontal conflicts in our society," he said.

On a separate occasion, the initiator of the KLB Democrat Party in Deli Serdang, Darmizal, appreciated the quick work of Yasonna and his ministry for carefully examining the management files of the KLB results. This attitude proves that the government is working professionally to resolve the internal chaos of the Democratic Party.

"That the government really works professionally, procedurally, is active and responsive to serve all people as well as possible without differentiating. We are proud of this, "he said in his written statement.

Darmizal emphasized that in accordance with the mandate of the Extraordinary Congress which was held last March 5, his party is committed to making the Democratic Party an open, modern and accountable party.

On that basis, Darmizal said that his party would obey the law, obey the principles and norms that apply. So, if there is a slight deficiency, his party will immediately complete the documents as well as possible in accordance with applicable laws, ministerial regulations and / or other regulations.

Previously, Menkumham Yasonna Laoly asked the Democrat Party to complete a request for ratification of the management of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra some time ago.

The reason is, if the files are not completed, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Directorate General of General Legal Administration cannot process the application.

"We have been thorough, the Director General has also given a letter. There are some things that are not perfect, just not enough. On Friday it was reported to me, a letter was sent to the KLB to complete it, ”said Yasonna to reporters in Jakarta, Sunday, March 21.

Kemenkumham, he continued, gave seven days or for the Moeldoko camp to complete the application documents. He emphasized that his party could only make a decision when the files had been completed.

"We'll give it time. Hopefully, we'll see if it's complete or not. If it is complete, we will continue, if it is incomplete, we will make a decision, ”he emphasized.