Moeldoko's Democrat Party, Just File Completion At The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly asked the Democrat Party to complete the application file for ratification of the management results of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra some time ago.

The reason is, if the files are not completed, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Directorate General of General Legal Administration cannot process the application.

"We have been thorough, the Director General has also given a letter. There are some things that are not perfect, just not enough. On Friday it was reported to me, a letter was sent to the KLB to complete it, ”said Yasonna to reporters in Jakarta, Sunday, March 21.

Kemenkumham, he continued, gave seven days or for the Moeldoko camp to complete the application documents. He emphasized that his party could only make a decision when the files had been completed.

"We'll give it time. Hopefully, we'll see if it's complete or not. If it is complete, we will continue, if it is incomplete, we will make a decision, ”he emphasized.

When asked about what files were incomplete, the PDI-P politician was reluctant to reveal them. It's just that, he gave a leak, the file was related to the provisions on the implementation of the KLB.

The files, Yasonna explained, must also be in accordance with the Democratic Party's statutes and bylaws (AD / ART).

"In terms of statutory provisions, it is said to be in accordance with the AD / ART, yes the implementation. The implementation is in accordance with the implementation of the KLB AD / ART, we must see the 2/3 requirements for DPD, half DPC, there is a permit from the upper house. we have to check, "he concluded.