Become A Convict In The Film Bangsal Isolation, Wulan Guritno Willing Not To Compete When Filming

JAKARTA - Celebrity Wulan Guritno again graced the big screen of Indonesian cinema by playing as one of the main characters in the film entitled Bangsal Isolation.

In the film produced by Mesari Pictures and JP Pictures, Wulan Guritno plays Bella who is one of the inmates in Ratu Adil's prison.

During a press conference, Wulan admitted that at first it was difficult to explore Bella's character. However, with the help of the scenario and research that he did for a long time, he began to get the desired Bella character.

"It must be difficult to enter all the characters because it's not ourselves. But, with the scenario, the director who is so detailed and researched by ourselves, all of our imaginations are filtered," said Wulan Guritno in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 18.

In addition, in order to explore his role as an inmate, Wulan admitted that during the shooting process he did not use perfume to dress up. This is also what finally helped him to be more passionate about Bella's character.

"But then by being set in prison clothes, I don't wear perfume, I don't use hair, don't wear make-up at all, when I entered Van Der Wick there were still humid smells, fungi and so on I went straight into the character, getting more mature," explained Wulan Guritno.

The film Bangsal Isolation will start showing in Indonesian cinemas on July 25. Apart from Wulan Guritno, this film will also feature KimberlyRIDer to Ibrahim Risyad.