Stories Of Corona Patients: Hope For Recovery Is Existing And Real

JAKARTA - In recent days, RO occasionally got out of bed towards the window, just wanting to know how the conditions out there were developing. Understandably, since he was tested positive for corona 7 days ago, this man was immediately isolated in a reference hospital for the corona virus or COVID-19 in Jakarta.

Initially, RO became a patient under surveillance (PDP) at a private hospital on March 14. The next day, he underwent a swab test. The test results came out on March 17 and stated RO positive for corona. On March 18, RO was transferred to a referral hospital and is being treated until now.

RO gets an isolation room at a referral hospital in the East Jakarta area. From the outside, the building looks ordinary. However, RO admitted that the existing facilities in this hospital are no less adequate than private hospitals. In this room, RO can share activities.

"I chat with my roommate who is also positive, read the Bible, read news on social media, and interact with family and friends via WhatsApp," said RO when contacted by VOI via text message, Tuesday, March 24.

In one room, RO shares the room with one other patient. From the story of his roommate, RO has an interesting story. His colleague tested positive for the corona virus after returning from Malaysia with his wife. However, it turns out that the wife was not exposed and has remained healthy until now.

"This means that the spread of this virus is so fast but for someone to be infected, even if it is with a positive one, it depends on the person's immunity. That is the share, hoping to strengthen our brothers and sisters who are exposed to COVID-19 and also their families," said RO.

Until now, the fever suffered by this 54 year old Jakarta resident has subsided. The IV line has also been disconnected. All that remains is a cough and if he speaks for a long time, he needs to take a deep breath. However, RO felt that it was getting better.

"I have no fever and the IV has been removed, but I still have coughs until now. Even so, I feel better," he said.

RO's health began to improve after medical personnel at the hospital routinely gave drugs, one of which was chloroquine and vitamins to increase body immunity.

RO has a strong hope of recovering from the corona virus. Apart from medicine, it turns out that there are other factors that support it, namely the role of doctors and nurses who are more than just checking their health and then giving medicine.

"The doctors and nurses here are very kind and often provide positive and pleasant narratives. In fact, they like to be funny too," he said.

"Even though I know their workload is heavy, they have to work for 6 hours using Hazmat PPE which covers the whole body without being able to eat, drink and rest," he added.

From the dedication of the medical personnel, RO was motivated to think positively that he would be cured. Plus, the prayers from his wife and children further strengthened RO's hopes.

Can't wait, in RO's mind, to come home. Because, since he was admitted to the hospital, his family was not allowed to visit him, according to the SOP for handling positive COVID-19 patients.

The RO family can only provide clean clothes, food, or other necessities. The items are handed over to the depository post on a predetermined schedule. During his treatment, he was able to communicate well with his family via the WhatsApp application.

Today, RO just got another swab test. The doctor said, the results will come out in 3 days. When the result is negative, RO is declared cured and can go home.

To VOI, RO left a message so that it could be read by fellow corona virus sufferers who were hospitalized, as well as self-isolation at home.

"To our brothers who are currently lying in the same struggle as me, the hope of a recovery is real and there is a real hope. The government has implemented it according to the protocol for handling COVID-19," concluded RO.

Illustration (Ilham Amin / VOI)