Pertamina Will No Longer Produce Premium Types Of Fuel In 2026

Jakarta - PT Pertamina (Persero) is working to improve the quality of fuel oil (BBM), which is currently the standard Euro 2, to Euro 5. This step will be taken after the construction of six refineries is completed in 2026.

"After (the refineries) we run, there will be no more Euro 2, 2026 is Euro 5. The last (operation) is Dumai," said Director of Pertamina's Processing and Petrochemical Megaproject Ignatius Tallulembang at the Pertamina office, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/6/2019) .

Ignatius explained that the six projects consist of four development projects or RDMP and two new projects or Grass Root Refinery (GRR). These refineries include the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan, RDMP RU II Dumai, RDMP RU IV CIlacap, and RDMP RU VI Balongan.

"Everything is on board, already running, and no one has missed the train anymore. This is also a form of our commitment to accelerate the target of energy independence," he explained.

Through this project, Pertamina will increase its fuel production capacity from around 650 thousand barrels per day to around 1.7 million barrels per day. In addition, with the new technology, the fuel produced by the refinery will increase in quality from the current Euro 2 to Euro 5.

According to him, increasing the quality of fuel to Euro 5 is in line with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation (Permen LHK) Number 20 of 2017 concerning Quality Standards for Exhaust Gas Emissions. "That's in accordance with KLHK regulations," he added.

It is estimated that the project will take about six to seven years to complete. The last project that is expected to be completed is RDMP RU II Dumai which will be completed in 2027. Meanwhile, the other RDMPs will be completed in mid-2026.