Kaltara Ensures Investment Will Increase Manpower Absorption

TANJUNG SELOR - Kaltara needs investment because investment will continue to grow and will also bring in state revenues and regional revenues.

The administrator for the Junior Expert of the Investment and One Stop Integrated Licensing Service (DPMPTSP) of Kaltara, Rahman Putaryani, said that the entry of this investment will help improve the economy, including absorbing the workforce on the Earth of the Continent as Kaltara.

"Investments that are currently entering are starting to absorb a lot of labor, especially in the energy and manufacturing sectors, our projection from these 2 sectors will absorb around 7 to 8 thousand workers," said Rahman, Wednesday, July 17.

Rahman revealed, in the energy sector. There are two major projects currently underway in Kaltara, such as the construction of a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) for both the Kayan River and the Mentarang River.

Then, in the Indonesian Green Industrial Estate (KIHI) Bulungan Regency, currently absorbs nearly 5,200 workers, in Tarakan there is also a paper porridge industry by PT. Phoenix Resources International (PRI) which will absorb 800 workers in stage 1.

"The potential for employment will continue to grow and the North Kalimantan Provincial Government will strive to encourage development in the agriculture, fisheries and manufacturing sectors," he said.

"These three sectors have a very high chance of absorbing labor, in the near future we will also soon enter investors for the development of agricultural areas in Bulungan, yesterday we officially wrote to us through the governor," he explained.