Not Just Bobby Nasution In Medan, Gibran Also Patched A Road With A Hole In Solo

JAKARTA - The problem of patching potholes is not only done by President Jokowi's son-in-law Bobby Nasution in Medan. In Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka also did the same thing.

Solo is starting to fix the infrastructure. Previously, Gibran Rakabuming Raka directly checked the viaduct in the Gilingan area, Banjarsari District, Solo.

The Mayor of Surakarta went directly to the field to respond to residents' complaints about the Gilingan area which often floods when the rain comes. Now Gibran's men are working on patching the road.

The Solo Bina Marga Office is working on road maintenance, one of which is on Jl Dr. Radjiman. The Solo City Government through Bina Marga promised to work on all complaints about road damage from the community

"Maintenance will be carried out soon," said the statement from Bina Marga Solo.

Solo residents can submit complaints about road damage through ULAS (Surakarta complaint service unit) Residents of Solo can also convey their concerns to the Surakarta City DPU office.

Patching the potholes on Jalan Dr. Radjiman Solo (Municipal Government of Surakarta)

What about Bobby Nasution?

Medan Branch is one of the priority programs for reforming the city of Medan. Clean because of integrated waste management, beautiful because of the many green open spaces (RTH). Including there are no holes because road infrastructure development is in accordance with standards.

Medan Public Works Agency officers patched Jalan Banjarmasin, Medan Kota District on Wednesday, March 17th. The officers also re-paved the potholed road on Jalan Perjuangan, Medan Perjuangan sub-district.