Governor Koster, Waste Becomes The Specter Of Bali Tourism

DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster said that waste is a classic problem for Balinese people. Garbage can pollute nature.

"Garbage is a major problem in Bali as a tourist area, garbage is a scourge in itself. If this is not handled properly it will affect tourism. Therefore, in dealing with the waste problem, it is necessary to support all parties," said Koster while attending the Forum. Group Discussion (FGD) in the Meeting Room Gedung Gajah, Jaya Sabha, Denpasar, Bali, Friday, 19 March.

According to Koster, Bali's natural conditions are currently very bad. Because there is no standard enforced pattern that is carried out by the community

Meanwhile, development continues to move, polluting the environment, polluting lakes, rivers, seas, and springs getting worse and dirty.

"This is unhealthy and not good for Bali's nature. Because an unhealthy environment will make us suffer from disease transmission. The impact of the waste problem, namely first, from the environmental side itself. Second, the impact on water sources because people littering, "Said Koster.

In addition, Bali's natural destruction continues to occur and is out of control due to neglect. According to Koster, this happens because the management of waste management in the community has not yet been developed

According to Koster, to create a clean Balinese nature in accordance with the vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali through a universal development pattern, plans to move towards a new era of Bali in maintaining the sanctity and harmony of Balinese nature and its contents.

The Bali Provincial Government has issued various policies which are contained in the Bali Governor Regulation (Pergub). Among them is the Regulation of the Governor of Bali Number 24 of 2020 concerning Protection of Lakes, Springs, Rivers and Seas. Then, the Bali Governor Regulation Number 97 of 2018 concerning Limitation of the Incidence of Single-Use Plastic Waste.

"Then there is also the Bali Governor Regulation Number 47 of 2019 concerning Source-Based Waste Management. This governor's regulation will accelerate efforts to protect and improve the natural environment of Bali and all its contents in the field of household waste management and household-like waste," Koster added.

Furthermore, the Governor of Bali Regulation Number 45 of 2019 concerning Bali Clean Energy and the Governor of Bali Regulation Number 48 of 2019 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles was issued.

"Bali as a world tourism destination must appear clean, Bali's nature must be clean. However, the reality is the opposite. Therefore, with the vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali, maintaining the harmony of Bali's nature and its contents, must be managed with local wisdom values, owned, with the right policies and the right systems or regulations, "he said.

"For that, I made a regulation, to implement a policy to clean Bali's nature. I ask all parties to support the policies and regulations that have been issued by the government in protecting Bali's nature," he hoped.

In particular, Koster hopes that the Traditional Village will synergize with villages or sub-districts to carry out waste management by implementing guidance and empowerment for the community in increasing responsibility for waste management.

Including building 3R TPS to process waste that is easily biodegradable by nature and transporting waste from its source to TPS 3R, FPS or waste bank, and / or TPA.

"For traditional villages to play an active role in waste management, this can be done by compiling awig-awig (or) traditional village pararem in fostering a culture of clean living in the authority of Traditional Villages, implementing the provisions of awig-awig or pararem of Traditional Village violation of the provisions of the Awig-awig or pararem of the Traditional Village, "said Koster.