Viral Case Of Loss Of Rp.400 Million For 49 Seconds That Drags The Name Of BRI, Here's The Explanation

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) finally spoke up regarding the news of the loss of customer money on behalf of Sigit Prasetya amounting to IDR400 million in just 49 seconds.

Through BRI Corporate Secretary Aestika Oryza Gunarto explained that the case began when Sigit intended to make a cash deposit transaction to the company on August 29, 2018.

At that time, he visited the BRI branch network located in Toddopuli, Makassar and conducted financial transactions around 14.04. However, at 2:05 p.m., or about 49 seconds after the deposit was successful, Sigit then made a withdrawal of the funds he previously submitted with the same amount.

Aestika said that the withdrawal was a cancellation initiated by Sigit and not at the request of BRI.

"The transaction proof for depositing and withdrawing money is complete and signed by Sigit so that the withdrawal transaction is valid and valid," Asteki said on Friday, March 19.

Sigit then transferred the money to Zul Ilman Amir personally, who was known to be an employee of the BRI bank.

Asteki revealed that the transfer of funds that had been controlled by Sigit back to Ilman was purely a personal interest, and not BRI's responsibility because they had both been close friends since childhood.

"This is purely personal, with the intention that Sigit can benefit from the funds entrusted to Ilham," he said.

This fund was then used by Ilham as a receivable to Andi Alvin Aulia Nurdin in the hope that Ilham could benefit from the receivables he gave. To note, both Sigit, Ilham, and Andi are friends and know each other.

This debt-receivable scheme was then proven in the Agreement Letter issued by notary Agrianti Widya Lestari, SH, M.Kn on April 19, 2019.

Before this issue surfaced nationally, this case actually attracted public attention in South Sulawesi in 2019. At that time, Ilman stated that he was resigning as a BRI employee.

However, this did not immediately become a way out of the polemic that had occurred, and it was even reported that this case was in limbo.

Not satisfied with the situation, Sigit finally took legal action by reporting Ilman to the South Sulawesi Police. The offense for the Sigit report is contained in the Report Number LPB / 57 / II / 2020 / SPKT POLDA SULSEL dated February 21, 2020.

Ilman, who has dealt with law enforcement officials, is said to have made an open apology regarding his actions which have now dragged BRI's name.

"This case is personal debts and is beyond personal authority and responsibility," said Aestika.

In the closing statement, Aestika appealed to the public to choose carefully the intended investment instrument and ensure that the choice has been registered and is in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).