Don't Overload Internet Bandwidth With Access To Illegal Streaming Movie Sites

JAKARTA - In accordance with the government's appeal to carry out social distancing or work from home to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, all telecommunication operators are asked to monitor the network connection (bandwidth) of the internet to be maintained.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate in his press release. According to him, in the last few days there has been a surge in the internet, during which people work and study from home.

"In particular, we also want to convey that to all telecommunication operators or cellular operators, internet service providers to maintain service capacity by providing sufficient bandwidth and maintaining the quality of service," said Johnny in an Online Press Conference at the Ministry of Communication and Information TV.

Johnny admitted that internet data service traffic occurred in line with the imposition of an appeal not to have activities outside the home. In order for the digital space to run well, people are asked not to access illegal streaming film sites.

"For all those who use digital space, let's work together not to access illegal sites, including illegal films, then with due respect don't use it. Not only is it illegal, it will suck up bandwidth which will disrupt all traffic in order for us to overcome or disconnect. the spread of COVID-19, "said Johnny.

He stated that the public must be smart in using the internet, because these illegal film sites will have access to a large increase, so the supply of bandwidth from telecommunications operators will be limited.

"Do not let the unnecessary use crash the entire system traffic. We have to use it smartly so that there is no over-traffic," added Johnny.

Operators such as XL Axiata, Tri and Telkomsel also confirmed the increase in data service traffic. Data service traffic since the implementation of working from home has been predicted to shoot higher than usual days. However, this traffic is not the same as the increase during Eid al-Fitr or Christmas.

Telecommunication operators are also expected to increase the provision of free internet access services to students who are undergoing distance learning at home during the social distancing period.

"Facilities for data packages and free services to students in many universities must be improved. Not only to many universities, but also to secondary schools that also need them in order to learn from home," said Johnny.

Illustration of internet usage traffic (doc. XL Axiata)

Not only that, in order to reduce excessive concern for the public, the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny also emphasized not to spread hoax information in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak that is increasingly widespread in the country. His party also again noted the rapid rate of hoax and disinformation news which reached 305 hoaxes per day after previously totaling 242.

"As of today, there are 305 hoaxes. We ask people to use digital space intelligently. I also remind you that the production and dissemination of hoaxes is detrimental to themselves, their families, society, nation and state. It does not help cut the flow of the spread of COVID-19. , "Johnny closed.