Remember! These Are 14 Types Of Violations Of Obedient Operational Targets In 2024

JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police and the Regional Police of the ranks held Operation Patuh Jaya 2024 throughout Indonesia which began today. At least 14 types of violations were targeted for prosecution.

"Yes, it is true that Operation Patuh Jaya 2024 (today) will be carried out," said Head of Operations for Korlantas Polri Kombes Eddy Djunaedi quoted Friday, July 12.

Operation Patuh Jaya 2024 will be carried out for two weeks, from July 15 to July 28. This activity is carried out aimed at realizing an orderly society of traffic.

In the implementation of Operation Patuh Jaya 2024, there are 14 types of violations that will be a priority for prosecution. The details;

1. violation against the current.

2. Driving under the influence of alcohol.

3. Using a cell phone while driving.

4. Not wearing a SNI helmet.

5. Not wearing a safety belt.

6. Exceed the speed limit.

7. Underage driving or not having a driver's license.

8. Berbondingan lebih dari satu.

9. Four-wheeled vehicles or more do not meet roadworthy.

10. Vehicle violations are not equipped with STNK.

11. Violating the road markings.

12. Installing rotators and sirens is not intended.

13. Using a fake number plate or TNKB.

14. Illegal parking.

Especially in the Jakarta area and some buffer areas, Polda Metro Jaya deployed 2,938 personnel in Operation Patuh Jaya 2024. They will be spread in several areas.

"A total of 2,938 joint personnel were deployed," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman.

Thousands of members are said to be carrying out the apple first before serving. When they are finished, then they will be deployed to a predetermined point.

"Before carrying out Operation Patuh Jaya 2024, all personnel in the ranks of the Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya will hold a morning rally at 06.00 WIB and a afternoon rally at 13.30 WIB," said Latif.