Government Steps To Help Community Economic Pressure During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 has lowered the people's economy due to the company's production closure policy. The worst impact was layoffs by a number of companies. As a result, the economic pressure is getting stronger faced by the community during this corona virus pandemic.

President Joko Widodo stated that there are a number of steps that can be used to help the people's economy. Among other things, the pre-employment card program will start running immediately. He said this card would be a rescue or anticipatory step for daily workers who experienced layoffs due to companies that did not operate during the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic.

"The pre-employment card will begin soon. The implementation of the pre-employment card anticipates workers who are laid off (PHK), daily workers who lose income and micro-entrepreneurs who lose turnover," Jokowi said in his briefing to governors dealing with COVID-19, Tuesday, 24 March.

Jokowi said that the budget prepared for this program reached IDR 10 trillion. From this budget, it is hoped that the provincial government can provide support by collecting data on communities in their area.

Apart from the pre-employment card, the basic food card recipients will also receive additional cash receipts. Usually, one beneficiary family gets a budget of IDR 150 thousand, over the next six months, they will now receive IDR 200 thousand.

"Foodstuff card recipients over the next six months will be added by Rp50 thousand, Rp. 200 thousand received per beneficiary family. The budget is budgeted at Rp. 4.5 trillion," he said.

In his presentation, before starting the ratas with 34 Governors throughout Indonesia, Jokowi also reminded the governors to cut spending plans that are not prioritized in their regions. In addition, budget reallocation and refocusing of activities must also be carried out by local governments. The goal is that the budget can be used to accelerate the handling of COVID-19.

In addition, Jokowi has also heard input from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) about the obstacles they face during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, Jokowi asked the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to provide leniency in credit relaxation for MSMEs with a credit value below IDR 10 billion for bank credit and the non-bank financial industry. In addition to the concession, Jokowi also said there would be a delay in installments of up to one year and a reduction in interest.

Not only that, Jokowi has also heard complaints from various groups such as motorcycle taxi drivers and taxi drivers who have motorcycle and car loans. Apart from these complaints, there were also other complaints from fishermen who also took credit.

"I think, tell them not to worry because the interest and installment payments are given a concession for one year," he said.

Jokowi admitted, currently there are several scenarios prepared from the results of calculations that reflect the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Although not explained in detail, there are three scenarios that have been prepared, namely light, medium, and heavy scenarios.

In addition to preparing scenarios, Jokowi said that his party had calculated the decline in income endurance in each province. Including workers, farmers, and MSMEs to public transport and motorcycle taxi drivers in various regions.

"For the heaviest angkot and ojek drivers in main Sumatra the decline is up to 44 percent, figures like this please be calculated in detail in the regions as well as the regency's provincial social assistance preparation (bansos) which I mentioned earlier, reallocation and refocusing."