Kalbe Farma, A Pharmaceutical Company Owned By The Boenjamin Setiawan Conglomerate Launches COVID-19 Test With Saliva

JAKARTA - PT Kalbe Farma Tbk launched a COVID-19 test with test results equivalent to RT-PCR. If the RT-PCR takes a sample from the nostrils, the test developed by Kalbe Farma uses saliva or saliva samples and RT-LAMP technology to detect SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19.

For your information, RT-LAMP or InnoLAMP is a molecular test for the detection of COVID-19 in the nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) category along with RT-PCR and TCM according to the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK. 01.07 / MENKES / 446/2021.

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk Director Sie Djohan claims the test results are accurate and relatively more comfortable when used compared to RT-PCR. Not only that, he said, this test can easily be done in laboratories or clinics in general. Because, only using the equipment needed is relatively simple.

Djohan said that sampling can be done independently. This means that users can put their own saliva samples in the tube that will be provided. So there is no need to use experts to take samples such as the RT-PCR test.

"The accuracy is also very good. Because the RT-LAMP also uses the same technology, namely the same molecular test as RT-PCR which was detected with nucleic acid instead of protein and our test has been validated, compared to RT-PCR with relatively similar accuracy, "he said in a virtual press conference, Friday, March 19.

In addition, said Djohan, the advantage of this test compared to the RT-PCR test is that the results obtained can be faster, even in just a matter of hours and there is no need to wait for many new samples to be processed in the laboratory.

"It can be done in less than 2 hours. There is no need to wait for samples, for RT-PCR we wait for quite a lot of samples first. We don't need to do that. One or two until we can do it immediately, the test is run without having to complete it first. This is what makes the test much faster, "he explained.

Djohan said the COVID-19 health test was 100 percent of the work of the nation's children developed at the Sten Cell & Cancer Institute, which is a research unit in a company owned by conglomerate Boenjamin Setiawan.

"It is hoped that this innovative test can help accelerate and expand the need for screening, identification, and contact tracing," he said.

The saliva-based COVID-19 test, said Djohan, has also received a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health and can be used as of today, Friday, March 19.

"We will cooperate with other laboratories. We will supply. We will provide training for labs that are interested. We hope that this test will be available quite widely," he said.