Support For Biden Fall, Democratic Party Postpones Donation Of 90 Million US Dollars

JAKARTA - After Joe Biden's poor performance in the presidential candidate debate, his support for him has decreased. The latest news says the Democratic Party's main donors have postponed donations of 90 million US dollars (Rp1.45 trillion) promised for President Joe Biden's campaign as long as he remains a presidential candidate from the party due to increasing pressure.

Berdasarkan laporan media yang dikutip Sabtu, tekanan terhadap Biden untuk mengakhiri kampanye pemilihannya kembali semakin meningkat seiring sekitar 12 anggota Partai Demokrat di Capitol Hill mengeluarkan seringkan publik agar Biden mundur menyusul kinerja debat yang buruk melawan mantan Presiden Donald Trump.

Launching ANTARA, Saturday, July 13, donations to the pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, cover several US double-digit donations, two people familiar with the matter told the New York Times newspaper.

However, the political action committee did not respond to requests for comment and did not explain the donors who decided to withhold their funding. Future Forward is reportedly taking a break on major decisions until the deadlock is finalized.

Biden remains steadfast in his desire to run for re-election despite rising political and economic challenges.

The increasing pressure is triggered by questions about his mental acuity and the ability of everyone to hold America's highest post at the age of 86 that Biden will achieve at the end of time from a potential second term.

"I think I am the most qualified person to run for president. I have beaten him once and I will beat him again," the president told a news conference last Thursday.

Referring to his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, Biden stressed that his candidacy was not for his legacy, but to complete the work he started.

A call from the Democratic Party on Capitol Hill for the president to step down is expected to escalate after Biden completed a three-day summit of NATO leaders on Thursday.