Indonesian Geopolitics With Archipelago Insights: Definition, Function, And Objectives

JAKARTA - Geopolitics in general can be interpreted as a political policy of a country which functions geography as the basis for controlling living space to ensure the survival and development of the life of the country concerned.

Geopolitical Definition

Geopolitics consists of two words; "Geo" and "Politics". Quoting the opinion of Preston E. James, geography questions spatial planning, which is a system in terms of occupying a space on the earth's surface. Thus, geography is concerned with the relationship between humans and their surroundings. As for "Politics", means a force based on basic considerations in determining alternative national policies to achieve national goals.

In particular, geopolitics is defined as a political system or regulations in the form of national policies supported by the geographic national aspirations (interests whose emphasis lies in geographic, territorial or regional considerations in a broad sense) of a country, which if implemented and successfully will have an impact. directly to the political system of a country. In another sense, Geopolitics is also the administration of the State, which every policy is related to the geographical issues of the territory or place of residence of a nation.

Geopolitical Theories Geopolitical Theories of Frederich Ratzel (1844-1904)

Frederich Ratzel argues that the state is likened to a living organism. State growth is similar to the growth of organisms that require sufficient living space (Lebensraum) in order to thrive. When the living space becomes wider, the State will be more resilient, stronger and more advanced. This theory is popular as an organism theory or a biological theory.

Rudolf Kjellen's Geopolitical Theory (1864-1922)

According to Rudolf Kjellen, the State is a comprehensive political unit and system covering the fields of geopolitics, political economy, political demonstrations, socio-politics, and krato-politics. As a living and intellectual organism, the State must and must be able to maintain and develop itself through expansion.

Karl Haushofer's Geopolitical Theory (1896-1946)

Continuing the views of Ratzel and Kjellen, especially the view of Lebensraum (living space) and the notion of expansionism, Karl Haushofer revealed that if the population of an area of a State increases so that the area cannot accommodate any longer, then the State must strive to expand its territory as living space for citizens Country.

Karl Haushofer, who has a military background in Japan, also predicted that Japan would become a victorious country in the world if it could dominate the continents of the world. He argues that basically the world is divided into four continental regions and is led by superpowers.

Etymological Definition of Archipelago Insights

Etymologically, Wawasan Nusantara consists of the words Wawasan and Nusantara. Insight comes from the word Wawas (Javanese) which means a review, view, and sensory vision. Thus, insight is a review, sight and sensory sight, which, if it is specified again, has a meaning as a way of seeing and a way of seeing.

Furthermore, Nusantara is derived from the word homeland and intermediate. Nusa means island or archipelago unit. Antara means that it shows the location between two elements or is sandwiched between two things (two continents, namely the Asian continent and the Australian continent and two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean). So the archipelago is an archipelago that is positioned between two continents, namely the continents of Australia and Asia, as well as two oceans, namely the Pacific and Indian oceans. Based on contemporary understanding, the word "Nusantara" is used as another designation of the name Indonesia.

The essence of archipelago insight is the integrity of the archipelago or nationality, interpreted as a whole / comprehensive perspective within the scope of the archipelago and in the national interest. This means that every citizen and state apparatus must think, behave and act as a whole within the scope and in the interests of the national, nation and state of Indonesia.

Archipelago insight position

Wawasan Nusantara has a position as the nation's vision. In relation to position, the archipelago's insight is the vision of the Indonesian nation towards the future. The vision of the Indonesian nation is in accordance with the concept of the Archipelago, namely to become one nation with one and one territory as well.

In addition, in the national paradigm, the position or position of the archipelago's insight is as follows:

1. Pancasila as the philosophy, ideology of the nation and the basis of the state is the basis of ideals.

2. The 1945 Constitution is the foundation of the state constitution, which is the constitutional foundation.

3. GBHN (outlines of state direction) as national politics and strategy or as a national basic policy that is positioned as the operational basis.

4. National resilience as a national conception that serves as a conceptual basis.

5. As a national vision that serves as a visional foundation.

Concept of Archipelago Insights as Indonesian Geopolitics

We understand geopolitics as a basic consideration in the administration of a country based on its geographic location. To be a winner in a competition, we must understand the terrain so that we know the best strategy to do in it. A country needs geopolitics to determine national political development based on geographical conditions and situations to achieve the country's goals. Indonesia as an archipelagic country and a pluralistic nation has its own geopolitics, namely the Archipelago Concept.

The Function of Archipelago Insight as Indonesian Geopolitics The concept of Nusantara in international forums is accepted and recognized. Archipelago insight is one of the means of national integration. The application of the archipelago insight produces a perspective on the territorial integrity of the archipelago that the Indonesian nation needs to defend. The increase in the area as a living space provides great potential resources for improving the welfare of the people. Increase in Indonesia's territorial area. The Purpose of Archipelagic Insight as Indonesian Geopolitics The external goal is to ensure national interests in an ever changing world, and participate in realizing world order based on independence, lasting peace and social justice as well as developing cooperative relations and mutual respect. The internal objective, namely to ensure the unity and integrity of all aspects of national life, including politics, economy, socio-culture, defense and security.

That is the explanation of the Indonesian geopolitical concept with an archipelago insight.

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