OJK Pede Target For 2024 Capital Market Fund Collection Achieved

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is optimistic that the target of raising funds in the capital market of IDR 200 trillion this year will be achieved.

Based on public offering data this year, the value of public offering is dominated by the issuance of Debt and/or Sukuk (EBUS) securities which reached a value of IDR 80.13 trillion (66.78 percent of the total public offering), followed by a limited public offering (PUT) of IDR 36.30 trillion (30.25 percent), and then IPO shares of IDR 3.56 trillion (2.97 percent).

"Based on historical data for the last 5 years, in terms of the number of public offerings, the issuance of EBUS is the highest with a total of 84 public offerings, for the issuance of IPO shares as many as 25, occupying third position, and for PUT with number 11 being the fourth highest," said OJK Chief Executive of the Capital Market, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange (PMDK) Inarno Djajadi quoting Antara.

Meanwhile, based on current pipeline data, there is a plan for 79 companies to share an IPO with an indicative value of IDR 11.08 trillion.

The plan for a limited public offering is 7 companies with an indicative value of IDR 3.88 trillion, and 17 EBUS bid plans with an indicative value of IDR 15.06 trillion, bringing the total pipeline to IDR 30.02 trillion.

As for the OJK Board of Commissioners Meeting (RDK) on Monday (8/7), Inarno assessed that fund raising in the Indonesian capital market still recorded a positive trend with a public offering value of IDR 120 trillion in June 2024.

OJK noted, until June 2024 there were 25 new issuers who registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

"On the Securities Crowd Fund Fundraising side (SCF) until June 2024, 17 organizers have obtained OJK permits with 548 publishers, 156,000 investors and a total SCF funds raised of IDR 1.11 trillion," said Inarno.