The Mayor Of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi: Surabaya Will Continue To Be A World Class Investment Destination

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, is committed to continuing to improve the investment ecosystem in the capital city of East Java Province, starting from the aspects of licensing, the quality of human resources to other supporting infrastructure.

Eri Cahyadi said that his party is optimistic that in the current economic recovery phase, the investment can resume operations.

"Surabaya will remain a world-class investment destination", he said quoted from Antara, Friday, March 19.

According to him, investment in the City of Surabaya throughout 2020 or in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has exceeded the IDR 64 trillion figure, growing compared to 2019 which only reached IDR 62 trillion.

The investment value of IDR 64 trillion consists of Foreign Investment (PMA) of IDR 1.5 trillion and Domestic Investment (PMDN) which consists of PMDN facilities of IDR 20.63 trillion and PMDN of non-facilities of IDR 41.92 trillion.

"We continue to maintain the investment ecosystem in Surabaya", said Eri Cahyadi.

His party continues to encourage increased investment to reopen employment for the community. Eri said the focus of the Surabaya City Government at the moment is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact from an economic side.

"We continue to encourage and facilitate UMKM (micro, small and medium enterprises) and large-scale investment", he said.

To realize all this, Eri said the Surabaya City Government would regularly meet businessmen and banks in the city of Surabaya to monitor economic developments.

"I will monitor it from day to day because this is related to the people's economy, related to employment. How is the economic movement in the field, I will check with the business and banking world, I will coordinate everything", he said.

He gave an example with banking, his party would check credit distribution. If it turns out that the increase is still slow, he continued, then what policy interventions can be jointly formulated and formulated.