KPK Reveals 9 Of 17 Judol Employees Have Been Fired, Some Are Involved In The Extortion Case Of Detention Center

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that nine of its 17 employees who were caught playing online gambling no longer working there. They were dismissed because they were involved in internal cases, one of which was illegal levies in the detention center (rutan).

"The nine have been checked at the staff, not KPK employees. Some have been dismissed," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted on Wednesday, July 10.

"Antara lain yang terlibat pawn emas (hasil barang bukti, red) itu sudah dihentikan, ada juga kemarin yang penjaga rutan (di kasus pungli, red) itu juga ada pegawai yang sudah kita dihentikan," sambungnya.

Meanwhile, the other eight people who are still employees will be handled further by the KPK Inspectorate. They will be clarified later.

The total value of online gambling transactions from 17 KPK employees found by the Online Judi Eradication Task Force reached Rp. 111 million. Alexander said the deposits paid by dozens of people were Rp. 100-300 thousand.

"Maybe it's just a fad, yes, unemployed, that's the game," said Alexander.

However, of this amount, the value if accumulated reaches Rp74 million. "That's even 300 transactions, yes, it seems relatively small," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK confirmed that some of its employees were involved in online gambling. Search by the Inspectorate has been carried out internally.

"KPK has obtained information related to online gambling that allegedly involved several employees," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Monday, July 8.

Tessa has not detailed the employees. However, information circulated that those involved in online gambling were drivers and security.