Said Didu Vaccinated, Citizen: 'Hay Trash Can'

JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Ministry of BUMN, M.Said Didu finally underwent the covid-19 vaccination. This is known from his Twitter account. Didu uploaded a photo of himself undergoing a vaccine injection.

On his Twitter account, @msaid_didu, he explained that he really respects the BUMN ministry's vaccination program.

He said he agreed with the vaccination program. He admitted that he had refused a vaccine, but is currently receiving it because the current vaccine has been tested and is in a safe condition.

"Explanation of why I took the vaccination:

1) I respect the KemBUMN vaccination program which was invited by the former KemBUMN

2) I have always agreed to vaccinate

3) What I protest is the mechanism of procurement and clinical trials of vaccines from China

4) after all the tests have been passed, it means that the vaccine is safe, "said Said Didu

Suddenly, Said Didu's comments received various responses from netizens. There are those who support him, and there are those who tease him.

Many netizens have teased Said's past statements about vaccines. In fact, netizens have re-uploaded Said's statement that the recipient of the vaccine is a trash can.

"Hay trash can" said the account @syakira _ ***