Ladies And Gentlemen In Rejang Lebong Bengkulu, Remember The Police Message: Motorbikes Can Be Killing Machines, Take Care Of Your Children!

JAKARTA - The Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Police said that the majority of traffic accident cases currently involve minors as victims or perpetrators.

Head of the Rejang Lebong Police Traffic Unit, Iptu Aan Setiawan, said that during 2020, for example, there were 50 cases of accidents. Of that number, most of the victims and perpetrators were minors.

"I ask parents not to give their children who are not old enough motorbikes, because this motorbike has become the number one killing machine, where death cases due to accidents have overtaken murder cases," said Iptu Aan at Rejang Lebong Bengkulu. reported by Antara, Thursday, March 18.

He added that minors are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles because they are not equipped with a SIM. Their condition is also still unstable and they do not know the traffic regulations.

Meanwhile, for traffic accidents involving minors and students in 2021, at least there have been several cases and have killed three people.

To reduce the number of traffic accidents involving these children, he said, the police were socializing the implementation of traffic education that was integrated with the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) subject for elementary and junior high school education in Rejang Lebong Regency.

The integrity of traffic education in the PPKN lesson, he said, aims to build children's awareness from an early age so that they are orderly in traffic, comply with existing regulations so that they can reduce the risk of traffic accidents.

"Safety is the responsibility of all parties, so that public concern for traffic safety by maintaining order and safety and security needs to be instilled from an early age," he said.