His Attractive German Shepherd Dog, Joe Biden: He's A Sweet Dog

JAKARTA - Mayor, a German Shepherd belonging to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, attracted public attention. When he was said to have behaved aggressively, barking and biting White House staff, before finally being discharged last week.

However, Joe Biden said his dog was not sent home from the White House. The dog, which he said still needed adaptation to the "crowd" at the White House, he said was in the middle of training.

"The major did not bite a person and penetrate the skin", Biden told the ABC program 'Good Morning America' which aired Wednesday 17 March.

"You turn a corner and there are two people you don't know at all and they move. And he (Major) is moving to protect", added Biden, referring to the US Secret Service and other staff his German Shepherd encountered at the White House.

Biden said the Major is currently undergoing training. He also revealed that after the crowd last week, he did not send Major back to his residence in Delaware

"He's a cute dog. Eighty-five percent of the people there love him. All he does is lick and wag his tail", said Biden, who moved to the White House with his two dogs after being sworn in on January 20.

President Joe Biden with his two dogs. (Wikimedia Commons / The White House)

Biden adopted the Major in 2018 from the Delaware Humane Society to join his other German Shepherd, Champ. Unlike Major, Champ was familiar with Washington's life. Biden won the Champ in 2008, the year he was elected vice president under President Barack Obama.

Earlier, President Joe Biden's two German Shepherds and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week. Each of the dogs was named Champ and Major.

CNN sources said the two were repatriated due to the Major's aggressive behavior at the White House. Adopted from a Delaware animal shelter in November 2018, Mayor is described as being involved in a White House security bite incident.

The true condition of the victim is not known, however, the condition was serious enough that the dog was later transferred to Wilmington, Delaware, where they live.

The 3-year-old Major is known to exhibit frequent agitated behaviors, including jumping, barking, and 'attacking' staff and security, according to the source, regarding the behavior of dogs in the White House.

While another dog Champ, Joe Biden, is known to be around 13 years old and has slowed down physically due to his advanced age. Champ and Major moved to the White House in January, less than a week after Biden's inauguration.