Setiawan's Legislative Officer Reveals Seconds Of Arrest: Photographed Until Shouted Hands Up!

JAKARTA - Pegi Setiawan revealed the seconds of his arrest by the West Java Regional Police in the alleged murder case of Vina and Eky Cirebon.

Starting on May 21, 2024. At that time, Pegi was at his workplace in the Bandung area, West Java. He had just finished his job taking his boss's son to school.

Arriving at school, Pegi had started to feel that his activities were being noticed. Because, there are some people who took pictures of him.

"Suddenly when I was at school, the child took a photo of me," said Pegi after being released from West Java Police detention, quoted on Tuesday, July 9.

Pegi remembers very well, there were two people who took pictures of him. But, at that time he ignored it. Because, according to him, it is not something that should be questioned.

Kemudian, Pegi kembali ke rumah bossnya. Bincang-bincang bersama pemilik rumah merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan.

"After that I went back to my boss's house, and there I talked to the owner of the house," said Pegi.

Time passed, Pegi remembered that at that time the sun had started to set. Suddenly many police came to him and immediately arrested him.

"Then some time later they were immediately raided, they were told to raise their hands like this, they were immediately taken," he said.

"A lot of it (police officers)," continued Pegi, telling the conditions at the time.

"What did he say when he raided, did he say?" asked Toni his attorney.

"He said don't move to raise your hand, just like that," replied Pegi.

Then, Pegi said that if in the arrest process, members of the police had asked him a question

Although he did not remember exactly how many questions and what was questioned, Pegi said that the police had also conveyed the arrests made because he was involved in the murder cases of Vina and Eky.

"Yes, I forgot the word, the point is like that. You've done this," said Pegi, reiterating the police statement at the time.

"What did he say?" asked Toni.

"Doing this murder and the victim said, and I said that I never did that," replied Pegi.

Until finally, the police took Pegi Setiawan to the West Java Regional Police. He was immediately named a suspect and examined in a marathon.

Peti Setiawan was released based on a pretrial decision. The sole judge of the Bandung District Court, Eman Sulaeman, ordered the West Java Police to immediately release Pegi Setiawan from detention.

The order is a pretrial decision that won the Pegi Setiawan camp over his determination as a suspect in the alleged murder case against Vina and Eky Cirebon.

"Ordered the respondent to release the applicant from detention," said Judge Eman during a trial at the Bandung District Court, Monday, July 8.

The respondent, namely the West Java Regional Police, was also ordered to stop the investigation process against Pegi Setiawan.

"Ordered the respondent to stop the investigation of the applicant," said Judge Eman.